Remote Config

Firebase remote config

This feature start at youtubers VERSION 3.0, this feature make some value dynamic, you can change from firebase console. Start from version 3.2 remote config only can change channel and playlist id, value you fill here is default value

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- Your Channel ID -->
        <value>YOUR CHANNEL ID</value>

    <!-- Your Playlist ID -->
        <value>YOUR PLAYLIST ID</value>

    <!-- App Version Config, don't change code below -->




Goto > Select your Yotubers project > Go to menu Remote Config > and Add 3 parameter

Bold name mean config not published yet, you must click button Publish Change to publish all the changes, if you make any change you must press this button

app_version : If application version less than this value, popup update will showing at starting, please make sure your app ready on google play before edit edit this value, if you don't want showing popup update set this to 0

force_update : this value related with popup above, if fore update true popup cannot dismiss by user, and user cannot use the app until they update app from google play


In case you want all your user update their youtubers app to version 2, you can use this feature to showing update popup of force your user to update. here the step 1. Make sure your app version 2 live on google play 2. Update and publish app_version from firebase console with value 2 3. App with version less than 2 will got dialog like this on starting

Last updated